These Terms and Conditions set out the whole agreement between you and us for the supply of services and constitute an agreement between you and us. Please ensure that you read and understand these Terms and Conditions because you will be bound by them.
A. “Class” means a facility owned and operated by Rachel Tunstall, Pretty Fit Online.
B. “Class Rules” means the rules and regulations governing the use of a Pretty Fit Class.
C. “Pretty Fit” “us” “we” and “our” means Pretty Fit Online.
D. "Member" "you" and "your" means on-going card payers, standing order, annual and daily prepaid members.
E. "PAR Questionnaire” –means the physical activity readiness questionnaire completed by you online.


Membership options
A. Gold monthly subscription entitles you to unlimited live and on demand online classes. It also entitles you to use all areas of the prettyfit members area.
B. Silver monthly subscription monthly entitles you to unlimited on demand online classes.
C. Bronze monthly subscription entitles you to access to the members area of the prettyfit website.
D. Pay as you go £5 entitles you to live and on demand classes for 48 hours. 48 hour expiry.
E. 1 Week Unlimited entitles you to gold level access for 1 week. 7 Day expiry.
F. 10 Class credits - gives you 10 credits to participate in live classes only. Subject to 60day expiry.

Your Membership
A. You must be over the age of 16 to become a Pretty Fit member.
B. You must complete the PAR Questionnaire before you start using your membership and by completing the PAR Questionnaire warrant to us that you have no known condition or are undergoing any treatment that would prevent you from being capable of physical exercise in all material respects.
C. On entry into this Membership Agreement and every time you enter a Pretty Fit class during your membership, you warrant and represent to PrettyFit that you have no medical conditions known to you that would mean that you are not capable of all forms of exercise and that such exercise will not be detrimental to your health. If in doubt, it is your sole responsibility to consult a medical practitioner or to not go to any classes/tell an instructor/cancel your membership.
D. You will register as attended before you enter a class.
E. Your membership allows you to access any Pretty Fit class subject to availability, in accordance with the type of membership option that you have selected as set out above.
F. Your membership applies to you personally: you cannot lend, assign or transfer it to another person.
G. We reserve the right to implement a waiting list at any time if we deem it necessary to do so.
H. We reserve the right to make or change minor points or amendments in this Membership Agreement without notice to you.

A. By joining up to our classes online, in person or over the phone, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions; you agree to pay all V-Healthy Results membership and other fees on time.
B. Paying monthly subscription by card: After your intial payment, your second and subsequent payment will be collected from you on the monthly anniversary of the date you set up your payments.
G. Your membership fees are subject to periodic increases and we reserve the right to pass on any changes in the rate of VAT to you. Fees will normally be reviewed on an annual basis but circumstances may dictate an earlier revision. You will normally be given one months-notice of any fee change. Membership dues for prepaid annual memberships will be reviewed only on renewal.
H. All payments made are non-refundable under any circumstances, except in relation to a cooling off period.
I. Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time, giving 30 days notice via email to prettyfitonlinept@gmail.com


A.The tools and information on the Pretty Fit site are intended as an aid to weight loss, weight maintenance, and to improve health and do not offer medical advice.
B.If you suffer from, or think you may suffer from, a medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting a weight loss and/or exercise regime. If you decide to start exercising after a period of relative inactivity you should start very slowly and consult your doctor if you experience any discomfort, distress or any other symptoms. If you feel any discomfort or pain when you exercise, do not continue.
C.The tools and information on the Pretty FIt site are not intended for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, or for any person under the age of 16.
D.If you suffer from any food allergy, it is your responsibility to check the ingredients of food items.

A. We may cancel or suspend your membership without notice if you break these rules
i. Allow other people to use your Login to view your profile and other members information.
ii. You must not behave in a violent, rude or threatening way or in a manner which distresses or causes discomfort to other members or Pretty Fit Employees.

A. In the course of your membership, Pretty Fit may collect certain personal information about you including personal details, financial details and information about your health. We will use this information for purposes including managing your membership and communicating with you. You will always be given the opportunity to opt out of such communications via the website. You have the duty to keep your personal information up to date and to inform us of any significant changes.
B. Please contact the management if you have any questions or concerns about how PrettyFIt will use and store your personal information or if you wish to exercise your right to access, modify, object to the use of or request the deletion of your personal information.
C. We reserve the right to take photographs/film of our classes (which may include you, provided your inclusion is incidental) for press and promotional purposes.
D. As a member of  Pretty Fit, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the provisions of the Privacy Policy and that you agree that PrettyFit may collect, use, process and disclose your personal information as described.

Cancellation of your membership:
You can cancel your membership anytime within the first 14 days from the day of registration. After that you may cancel your membership with one months’ notice from your last payment day, ie one more payment will come out. This should be done by written confirmation to head office (prettyfitonlinept@gmail.com) and no further payments will be taken. If you buy a Fitness Tracker from us you can return it for a refund as long as it has not be registered and is not used and still in it’s original packaging.
Cancellation by us:
A. We may cancel your membership without notice if you commit a material breach of this agreement including, but not limited to, a breach of the Class Rules, abuse or threatening behaviour or vandalism or other illegal activity.
B. We may cancel your membership with immediate effect if:
i. you have breached any terms and conditions of this agreement; or
ii. membership fees or other charges remain unpaid 7 days after the due date and such a breach is not remedied by you within seven days, after being notified by us.
C. We may cancel your membership with immediate effect if your Class permanently ceases operation, In these circumstances, we will consider providing a pro rata refund for membership fees already paid in respect of any period after the cancellation date.